Disclaimer: Pokemon: Nintendo, GameFreak, Creatures. Seleca: Me. Mine. Lucky sandals: the Weedles.
Notes: This story takes place somewhere in the Primary Colors series. Maybe sorta around the beginning of part 2. This is told from Seleca's point of view.

When Seleca Met Chansey

By: Sforzie

One day Jessie and James wanted to know how I got Chansey.
So I told them.

It was the summer before my sophomore year in high school. Yes, I the wonderful villian that I'm learning to be, actually went to high school. Graduated too, not long ago.

It was summer, as I said, about a month before my 15th birthday. I know that that's an odd age to start Pokemon training, but until then I'd never had a major interest in raising a Pokemon myself.

I put on my lucky sandals, on a whim, and decided to go for a walk. I guess I walked a little further that I her that I had meant to, because before long I had found that I'd wandered outside of the limits of East Celadon Village and into the forest that bordered Celadon City.

I was pretty lost, when I stumbled across a Chansey. It was cowering and frightened, and being picked on by a group of Weedles.

The Chansey was also just a little baby.

The poor thing was barely over a foor tall, and looked quite miserable. My heart went out to it. So what did I do? I threw my lucky sandals at the Weedles, not being able to find anything else worth throwing. They (the Weedles, not the shoes) quickly lost interest in the Chansey, but did wander off with my sandals.

Once it was safe I knelt next to the baby Chansey. It looked up at me with its cute little eyes.

"Chan-see!" It squeaked in a chirpy baby voice. The Chansey raised its little arms up at me. It wanted to be picked up. So I did, standing up and holding it at arm's length to look at it. Baby Chansey had big feet, and a stubby little tail.

"Big feet, just like me," I laughed.

"See!" It squealed. I held the Chansey closer to me, and started to look for a way back out of the forest.

"You're awfully little. How did you get out of here?" I wondered.

"Chansey Chan!"

"Maybe you escaped from one of the Celadon City Pokecenters," I said to it. It waved its little arms and snuggled happily against me. I smiled. "Well, we'll go check around town to make sure no one's missing you." I was hoping that no one was...


Apparently the little Chansey was 'lucky', because it didn't take me very long to find my way to Celadon City. Or maybe I just walked faster because I was barefoot now. Either way, soon Chansey and I had made it to the main Celadon City Pokecenter.

"May I help you?" the Nurse Joy there said.

"Actually, I was wondering if you were missing a Chansey," I said. Joy checked the little switchboard that kept track of track of the Chansey aides.

"No, they're all here," she said. The she noticed my baby Chansey. "Oh, goodness no! We get our Chanseys already trained!" She smiled and laughed lightly.

"Oh," I said. "Has anyone reported one missing?"

"Not here," Nurse Joy said. "But let me check the other local centers." While sending her message Joy looked at my Chansey. "It has big feet," she noted.

"Runs in the family," I said wryly.

Joy looked over the counter and smiled again, apparently not minding for once that I was barefoot.

"Where did you find it?"

"In the woods just outside of town."

"Hmm." Joy checked the replies. "No, no other centers have reports of missing baby Chanseys." She smiled brightly. "I guess this must be your 'Lucky' day!"

And so I got to keep Chansey. I'm glad to note that it did eventually get a bigger tail, and it did grow into its feet. But, alas, I never have. I haven't found my lucky sandals yet either...
